Wednesday, May 9, 2007

This Is It

Today is my last day in NYC. It's beautiful here. I'm wearing a dress - and no jacket - for the first time this year.

My coworkers had a lovely surprise goodbye party for me with champagne and chocolate-dipped strawberries.

Last night, I went for drinks with all my pals from my old job at Fox. We met at the bar where every single Fox goodbye party is held. Tradition.

This morning I did something very important. I wheeled my very old, rusty flat-tired bike out from behind the other decaying bicycles in my backyard, cleaned it off a bit - then took it over to a funky bike shop near the Hudson River. I left a note on it that read, "I know it doesn’t look like it, but I was once deeply loved. Then my owner let me fall into disrepair. But with a little work, and a new tire, I could make someone happy again. Can you help?"

Maybe that was psychotic, but that bike really helped me explore NYC and I could not just abandon it in the backyard to die. I think it will be taken care of.

There's more to do here, but I have said my goodbyes -- to people, to the city, to my young self -- and there's nothing else I can do to prepare to leave. So, tomorrow I will fly out of here.

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