Thursday, June 21, 2007

Branching Out

Today at work these things happened:
1. Someone stopped by my office to say hello.
2. I had a meeting with three other people
3. There was a going-away lunch for someone, which I actually attended.

It’s a big day at work when I get to talk to people besides on the phone.

I also made plans to have dinner with an old college friend next week. And this weekend, Matt and I are driving to the desert to see my dad. We’re doing our best to have social lives. I wish -- and Matt really wishes -- that he had a pal or two out here. He has vowed to call some of his sister’s L.A. friends, which would be great because they're people he is connected to, instead of people I'm connected to. Matt’s sister mentioned coming out for a visit. Sarah, if you see this, think about coming out soon!

Wacky Things About L.A.
-- Sometimes it strikes me as so weird that everyone drives around at speeds in excess of 40 mph on city streets between these little white lane lines – I mean they are just lines on the ground, not a force field! Besides that line, the only thing between my car and someone else’s car is a few feet of air.

-- Our neighbor Susan is 101 years old. She comes up to my chin, which makes her about 4 feet tall, she's very sprightly and loves to leave us bags of her Meals on Wheels leftovers.

-- Seriously, no one walks here.

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