Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What the Hell Time Is It?

I am living double life, if not a triple life. I reside in L.A. now, (which is in the same time zone my parents live in, though I keep forgetting that.) But I basically work in New York. Almost everyone else on "my team” at work is in NYC. When they want to meet at 2 p.m., they mean 11 a.m. for me. When my boss says I am expected to work until 7:30 p.m., he means 4:30 p.m. I am constantly counting forward and backward three hours. And I’m horrible at math. At first it was easy because I was in a New York mindset and, like all New Yorkers, assumed everything revolved around the city. But I’m slowly drifting into Pacific Time. In fact, I’m in “in the middle of the Pacific time” since I just got back from Hawaii. It’s technically three hours behind Calif., but in practice Hawaii operates on “island time,” meaning slow, relaxed, unhurried time. Of all the time zones, island time is by far the best. Being back in the PT zone kind of sucks, even though it’s warm and sunny. I guess I want warm and sunny -- plus snorkeling, sea turtles and Mai Tais.

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