Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Another Day, Another Deal

Lawyers in New York are hammering out yet another possible contract to sell my apartment. It is for less than I'd hoped, but it's a number I can live with. This time, I am oddly emotionally numb to the process. I'm probably just exhausted. Maybe I'll feel differently - pangs of joy or regret - when I got back to NYC on Sunday and spend the night there again for the first time 10 weeks. I'm a little nervous to be in the place - it's so empty and I will be alone. But maybe it's good. Going to NYC seems a little like visiting at ex - there are all sorts of emotions tied up in it. But I'm going to try to focus on the joy of it, the humid heat, my favorite French patisserie, seeing friends, visiting my hair stylist and just simply being in New York.

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